Monday, 24 March 2008

Snow, snow everywhere

Went out up in the hills today as we knew snow was up there. Only takes about 15 mins to drive there and it's nice to drive away from the snow too.Took Patch our dog and we had been walking ,down near some old mining land and he trots up to us blood everywhere, the poor bugger had (we think) knocked his nose and given him a nose bleed but there was so much blood, I panicked.....Rushed him back to car and half way back it stopped,panic over,get near the car and he sneezes and it starts up again......Panic again as loads more blood but he's ok now no more blood since we have been really scared me as Patch is like one of the kids to us. Animals and kids ayy-who'd av em? lol


Jan said...

Beautiful pics Jin. Music goes well with them too.
Shame about Patch - glad he's ok.

Jinny Holt said...

Thank you Jan. Scared the heck out of me all that blood and in the snow too, not pretty but he's ok now.....bless him,he loved all the extra fuss!

Angie said...

Ooooh your poor little dog, i'm glad he's ok now, as you say they are part of the family and are so precious. The photos are great and a reminder that we do still get snow in this country x


Stunning scenery Jinny, and poor likkle pooch, glad he's ok now.