Friday 2 January 2009

Some more dominos

Hello, not bad twice in a week now.

Well the new year is here and to be honest, i always get a little sad this time of year, all that preparing and worrying about pressies and food and also the fact that it means i am nearly another year older! This year no exception as it's the big 40 and i really don't want to be 40, i am hanging on to my 30's for dear life hehehe.

They say " Life begins at 40......does it?"

Well have beaded up a domino and in the process of making a good friend of mine a key ring for his new car. I found it hard to do a masculine one but hope that this will be okay for him.

Well happy new year to all my crafting friends and readers.....

I wish you all a happy and healthy 2009.


Joanne said...

Hello me dear!

Dont get a chance to msn anymore have gone back to work full time - yuck!!! Do like my job, work in a school now which means that i get the holidays!!!!

Hope you had a great festive season!

Jinny Holt said...

Thanks Jo-nice to hear from you-hope you and family are well-take care x

My name is Cindy said...


Know what you mean, January is all a bit of an anti climax and all the things I want to do I don't because it's so cold!!! (Am sitting at work in ref library it is freezing in here, surpised the public don't go home.)

Anyhow, no worries about 40 lol it's a doddle. Mind you I should warn you that after 50 someone puts their foot on the accelerator and the batteries start to run out. Apart from that getting old is fine (especially when you consider tha alternative).

Happy New Year!! Hugs Cindy

Jan said...

Hi Jinny - just calling in to say Happy New Year and hope you are feeling a little better. Sorry I dont visit as often as I should.
Dont be sad about being 40. CELEBRATE!!! Time to get sad is when you realise that next year you will be 70 (I can't believe how quickly life flies by!)
Love the domino - very appropriate.
I wish you a healthy and creative new year.
Take care xxx

robin dudley-howes said...

Hi Jinny
Found you via dansmamaisonilya. Love being able to connect around the world with like minded creatives. 40 was hard for me...I'm 46 but don't feel like it. Put things in perspective (your not 90 for gods sake!)and be grateful for all the good in your life. That's my two cents. I love your it! My music just completely dissapeared (for the second time) so now I have to re install. Keep on creating superwoman!